An essential part of students maths learning is practising their number knowledge such as their basic facts and multiplication facts. The students need to practise these regularly if they are to learn them and many do not practice enough, until now!
Sumdog has been a huge a hit in the habitat and we have now paid for a subscription so we can use their skill and assessment features. We can select particular skills for them to practise and receive reports on their progress and particular needs, which is fantastic. The habitat focus is accuracy as some students were simply playing the game and not thinking about the maths, subsequently the students accuracy has increased.
The mentors are learning about its more advanced features and we will be informing you as we learn more about this fantastic resource! :)
For more information please click on the link above for some recent research.
Wow - it's great to know that the mentors are selecting the levels and tasks to match the children's needs, and monitoring their progress. I feel more encouraged to get my daughter using it at home. Thanks!