Friday, September 2, 2016

Exploring Past and Present Themes for Concept

The Coronet students have to create and publish a page of information about the past, present and future. They are inquiring into a wide range of topics such as homes, toys, tourism, Scientists, Coronet Peak and many more. They will soon have to decide on one and begin to create their page. 😅

1 comment:

  1. I can remember this area when it was just farmland that we drove past on our way to and from Arrowtown. The housing, the land use, the different nationalities and the different activities that are in our area.
    I would spend 6 weeks of the summer holidays in Arrowtown and I would spend most of my time just chilling out at the pool or down at the river. We built dams, rode our lilos down the Arrow River, walked along the pipeline and generally just enjoyed the sun and the outdoors. I wonder what your memories of being young when you are old like me?
