Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Turangawaewae Performance: How Lake Alta was Formed

Coronet really enjoyed writing their myth about how Lake Alta was formed on the Remarkables Mountain Range. After writing it, each whanau group took a chunk to turn into a play to perform in assembly. Here is the video of their performance.

I learnt that putting on plays is great fun - Tahlia

Even when you're not on stage your still acting - Elsie

Our story taught us that families should stick together - Zack

I enjoyed miming - Nick

I really like bucket drumming and creating soundscapes - Hayden

Once you get the hang of it, it's really fun to put the performance together - Charlie

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Dr Seuss Fun!

Over the past two days, the students who were not at athletics got to participate in a Dr Suess themed day.

The juniors wrote a story based on "To Think I saw it on Mulberry Street." Then they illustrated and green screened it to produce this video:

Monday, October 2, 2017

Our Turangawaewae Trip

In week 10 our entire habitat headed down to the Kawarau river to connect with our local environment. Here is a video made by Nicole that shows some of our exciting and interesting memories that we had!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Our amazing writers!

Check out our amazing writing from Chase and Archie! The boys used the app 'Tellagami' to record their writing. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Shotover Primary School Cross country by Camella

Last Friday on 11th of August a fun race for 400 children was held in the school grounds and the surrounding area.

Everyone from 5 year olds to 13 year olds ran and watched the race.

It was so much fun watching the kids and the children enjoyed the race. This activity should be encouraged in every school.

This fun run or race should be done regularly in school and everyone should be part of it, even if watching the race.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

'Show me the science' Expo

Thank you to all the parent's who came along to see our amazing experiments. We had such a great afternoon showing off our new knowledge and skills.
We hope you enjoyed yourself!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Who is the criminal at Shotover School?

Last Monday, Mr Brown and Miss Luchia's Maths groups came back from assembly to a crime scene.

It has been our mission over the last few weeks to study the evidence and go around the school measuring the height of the mentors and their footprints. 
We now have all of our evidence and will work on matching up our measurements from the mentors with our criminals.

Watch this space!!

Coconut Experience

At literacy time, we have been having some great experiences through our shared reading with our big books. With our book 'Island Hopping', we enjoyed the page below.

As we enjoyed this part of the book so much, we decided we would like to get a real coconut and try and crack it open like they do on the island's.

Here are some photos of us (Miss Emily) cracking a coconut open. We were then lucky enough to taste the coconut milk and try some of the flesh.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Burger Writing Plans

At writing time, we have been learning about the writing process and how important it is to plan our writing before we get started.

We have been focusing on using Sheena Cameron's burger plan.

Here is Jessica Hey's burger plan and writing as an example of our hard work.
It shows her beginning as the top bun, the middle as the delicious meat patty and the end as the bottom of the bun.

We decided that as we are planning using a burger, we had better make some and taste test them to make sure it was the perfect burger plan.

Here we are making burgers and thinking about how important it is to plan our writing.  .   .  


Our Little Scientists

Today in Coronet, we put our lab coats on and had fun experimenting with different equipment.

We talked about the equipment we would be using, the method we would use to get a result and we came up with a 'Big Question.'

Our 'Big Question' was - What will happen when we add food colouring to milk or water?

Our equipment - Milk, water, food colouring, glasses.

Our Method - 1. Pour water or milk into a glass
                       2. Add food colouring
                       3. Observe

We then made a prediction about what we think might happen.

Ask your child about some of the results they observed today!


Monday, May 15, 2017

Leo's Robot

Leo bought in his Robot that he got for his birthday. It's taken him a couple of weeks to build and programme it.

We were stunned about all the things it could do!

Antarctica Tinkering

Today we compared the weather in Antartica to the weather in Queenstown.

It was -44 degrees in Antarctica today!!!! Wow!

We learnt about wind, pressure, and precipitation and made some components of a weather station to measure these things.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Getting excited about Tinkering!

This term the children will be tinkering on a Tuesday. There will be four topics and the children will focus on one of those. This afternoon they got a chance to have a bit of a teaser!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Our Brains

We have been exploring how our brain helps us learn. We have researched the parts of the brain using the iPads and we found out more information about what each part of the brain helps us do.

Here are the cool brains we have created in our whanau time.